Hello! My name is Renee Alleyne.
In this website you will find about my work, trainings and background.
I am guided by the bright principles of: Courage Creation & Transformation.
I AM a Transformational Healer, a Psychodramatist, a Couple's Coach and an Agent for Change working with you in your life and your relationships.
I am committed to developing a new culture where people can thrive rather than just survive.
I OFFER safe spaces for you to heal, to grow and to learn the skills to create the life you want to live. I offer a skillful approach to the problems of Anxiety and Depression, Emotional Healing Processes, Coaching for Couples and Living Fully Groups for Women to heal from sexual abuse.
Creating spaces for individual emotional healing processes(EHP's) which can be online or face to face.
Sessions for couples that combine skills training and creative experiential therapy
Group work for women who are recovering from sexual abuse
Supervision for those in the helping professions
Group mediation and communication skills
What can I do for you
My Vision
I holdspace for individuals and couples for their healing, growth, and evolution. With 30 years of counseling experience, I find couples work especially rewarding. I am also currently training in Emotional Healing Processes through Possibility Management. I am also currently training in Emotional Healing Processes through Possibility Management.
My Experience and Tool Box
After 25 years of practice as a Psychodramatist, 10 years as a DBT practitioner and Sex Therapist and a familiarity with Imago Therapy & Couples Counselling and a BA Psychology. I have recently, in the past 2 years, with an introductory training called Expand the Box found an exciting new path with Possibility Management exploring the Power of Conscious Feelings and Radical Responsibility. This path has opened up many doorways for my growth and expanded myworld view which has catapulted me out of my old life into something completely new.
Possibility Managment
My introduction to Possibility Management through a 4 day training called Expand the Box has given me a powerful new outlook on life, relationships and everything else. It draws from a sophisticated mix of spirituality and psychology to create a path towards adult functioning at the height of radical responsibility.
What I am learning in this wide field has given extra power to my work and is transforming my life and relationship into something extraordinary.
It has introduced me to the power of consious feelings, making the unconsious consious and the necessity to create a new culture, a new way of being with each other and the earth where we can all have a chance to thrive.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
DBT began to show me the power of recognising feelings as a driver of behaviours. Also the importance of developing the skills for interpersonal communication.It matched my buddhist practice of mindfulness and being exquisitely attuned to the present moment. Plus some very practical skills in reducing high levels of distress in some clients.
BA Psych
I did a BA Psych through Massey University. This gave me a wonderful opportunity to study Maori centred healing and as a long time student of Te Reo me ÅŒna Tikanga (the maori language and practices) this bicultural approach has always been of great importance to me.
The psychological scientific approach I have found to be limited and didnt suit me so well so I put more emhasis on experiential work.
Psychodrama gave me the ability to walk with my clients into unknown areas and stay by their side until they reached their destination. It involves training in spontaneity and creativity and rather than being a talking therapy, is an experiential therapy which involves the body, mind, heart and soul.
Couples Counselling
& Coaching
This has enabled me to bring all of the above skills and experience together in the service of assisting clients in the most intimate areas of their lives. I have developed an effective approach to training couples in communication, at the same time recognising and healing the deep wounding that is carried from the past which interferes with everyday functioning.
Non-Violent communication
I have developed a communication style for couples that has combined aspects of non violent communication and Imago therapy listening .
This method creates safety and harmony in your relationship and ensures that each person is heard and respected even if there is conflict, disagreement and difficulties.
"You can make a revolution with a smile in your eyes and love in your heart"

Read to some of my Clients and Collaborators
Words are too linear to describe this experience. It has reconnected my mind, body and soul that trauma has ripped apart. I am so grateful I got the opportunity to meet everyone and heal together. To say it's life changing is very understated. All I can say is a very heartfelt.
Plagued with anxiety and trepidation I embarked on my journey with psychodrama with Renee. Within the first hour my emotions and overwhelm got the better of me. I soon realised that the other 8 participants were all feeling the same as I. What unfolded in the 3 days was beyond my expectations. For the first time I I started to relinquish my anxiety/fear of trust, vulnerability and pain. The well suppressed pain poured forth in waves, to later find a deep liberation within myself. Barriers soon dissipated which no longer served the purpose for what my soul was longing.
I cannot express enough the transformation ‘Living Fully’ has given me. Integration of psychodrama unfolded beautifully in the aftermath of healing. In a week after the ‘Living Fully Retreat’ I went into a cafe/art gallery where I was greeted by the artist with a welcoming smile, we briefly talked of his journey into his art life. I meandered around and came to another space filled with more art. Before I took a step into this room I felt my body beginning to tingle, my hands burned and the tingling overwhelming. The artist who was in the room was observing me, as I was telling him what I was experiencing. Come in he said. I stepped into the room, out of no-where the emotions came, my chest tightened, it was hard to breathe but I couldn’t ignore the heat I could feel within my heart area, it circulated round, I was crying uncontrollably.
If you’re reading this, I assure you of the blessings that will envelop you, the blessing of yourself and to know that you deserve beauty and peace in your life. Step forth, allow yourself to feel. A moment in time that will not be forgotten. You’ll be supported by extrodinary women. I will be forever grateful to Renee, the work you do and the space you hold for those on this path is immense. I thank you.